

Poké, which means “cut into small pieces”, is a simple, fresh and very nutritious dish.

The base forms sushi or wholemeal rice, greens or zucchini noodles. Next, the proteins such as tuna or salmon in sashimi quality, shrimps, octopus, chicken or smoked tofu are added.
Then the bowl is supplemented with an abundance of mix-ins like cucumber, edamame or pineapple.
Various aromatic flavours, such as our spicy Vul’Cano Flavor
or the exotic Korean Love Sauce round everything off perfectly.
Finally, of course, our beloved toppings such as avocado and cashews should not be missing.
In your Poké Bowl, the tastes of Japan, Polynesia and the US West Coast come together.


Bye bye unhealthy fast food, aloha Poké Bowl! MA’LOA is relaxation as you need it. And that for almost every type of diet: vegan, vegetarian, low carb, gluten-free or paleo. You can create individual Poké Bowls for you and your friends according to your own preferences and taste. The varied mix of crunchy vegetables – optionally with rice, fish, meat, sauces and toppings – is a treat for your body. Be inventive and discover the variety!



Ma’Loa MA’LOA is, if you’re persistent enough to walk in one piece from the top to the bottom. When you tap your flippers through the white sand to take an adventurous leap and disappear into the waves. What do you discover here? Coral reef or green algae. Dolphin or cod. O’ahu or Baltic Sea. Hawaii or Berlin. We invite you to dream …

After a longer stay in Hawaii and countless eaten Poké Bowls, there was only one consequence for me Daniel, the founder of MA’LOA: to preserve the memory of one of the most beautiful experiences of my life in terms of taste and to share it with everyone in my hometown Berlin. MA’LOA is the New Wave of healthy fast food. It’s what happens when you bring the best and healthiest of the Pacific home and ride a new wave of taste. MA’LOA is a piece of Hawaii in your city. Literally.




A high-five with the flamingos: the sunglasses briefly raised and a friendly nod to the South Seas. Somewhere where the turtles casually raise their arm in greeting. MA’LOA acts sustainable and responsible for you, for us, for everyone. So that the most shimmering fish of Hawaii will still be poking cool past the surfers in 20 years.High-Five mit den Flamingos: Die Sonnenbrille kurz gehoben und ein freundschaftliches Kopfnicken in Richtung Südsee. Irgendwo dort, wo die Schildkröten lässig den Arm zum Gruß heben. Ma’Loa handelt nachhaltig und verantwortlich für Euch, für uns, für alle. Damit die schillerndsten Fische Hawaiis für immer cool an den Surfern vorbei hechten.


We only use biodegradable to-go packaging for the entire gastronomic process. We have chosen bagasse, the completely plastic-free waste material from sugar cane. That is a start. But we have much more to do.


We do not see employees as mere clerks, but as active comrades-in-arms and friends. We want our team to develop freedom and joy of life. Therefore we support each individual
wherever possible. From the kitchen to store management. So that holidays are in your head.


Our fish either comes from species-appropriate breeding or from fair fishing methods. 95% of our ingredients are completely unprocessed and natural. In addition, we try to source all products as regionally as possible.



Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

 CaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g103 kcal
278 kJ
 CaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g252 kcal
1057 kJ
 CaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g228 kcal
956 kJ
 CaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g248 kcal
1038 kJ
 CaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g200 kcal
841 kJ
BowlCaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g208,4 kcal
866,0 kJ
BowlCaloriesCarbohydrates[g]Carbohydrates of which sugars[g]Fat[g]Fat of which saturates[g]Protein[g]Salt[g]
per 100g103 kcal15,0g13,73,20,8g1,1g0,0
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Green Cream Shrimp Bowl

Base + Garnele, Frühlingszwiebel, Gurke,
Edamame, Green Cream Flavor, Algensalat,
415,219,4426,1226,46• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Wertvolles Jod
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Frühlingszwiebel: stärkt das Immunsystem
• Algensalat: Enthält Magnesium, Kalium, Zink, Selen und Eisen in Hohen Konzentrationen
• Wasabinüsse: Hilft das Abwehrsystem und Entgiftet die Leber
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Kauai Salmon Bowl

Base + Lachs, Edamame, Gurke, Ananas,
Korean Love Flavor, Kimchi, Cashewkerne 
485,428,0843,9423,05• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Lachs: stärkt die Konzentrationen
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Ananas: schützt von Thrombose
• Kimchi: ungesättigte Fettsäuren → positiv für
Herz Kreislauf- System
• Cashewkerne: Wertvolle Fettsäuren (Herz-Kreislauf-System)
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Lanai Tuna Bowl

Base + Ahi Tuna, Edamame, Gurke, Rote Bete,
Koriander, Crazy Lime Flavor, Avocado, Erdnüsse
506,8533,7639,1025,06• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Thunfisch: stärkt die Konzentrationen
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Rote Beete: Senkt Blutdruck
• Koriander: Enthält wertvolle Öle
• Avocado: Wertvolle Fettsäuren (Herz-Kreislauf-System), Gut für die Muskulatur
• Erdnüsse: Viel Vitamin E, Magnesium und Phosphor
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Maui Tuna Bowl

Base + Ahi Tuna, Edamame, Rote Zwiebeln,
FrühlingszwiebelMaui Tuna Bowl

Base + Ahi Tuna, Rote Zwiebeln, Frühlingszwiebel,
Edamame, Vul’Cano Flavor, Avocado, Masago , Gurke, Ma’Loa Flavor,
Avocado, Erdnüsse
497,7530,5927,2531,25• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Thunfisch: stärkt die Konzentrationen
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Frühlingszwiebel: stärkt das Immunsystem
• Rote Zwiebel: wichtige Vitalstoffe, wirken wie ein Antibiotikum
• Avocado: Wertvolle Fettsäuren (Herz-Kreislauf-System), Gut für die Muskulatur
• Masago: Reich an Vitamin B12, Eiweiß und Omega-3-Fettsäuren
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Big Island Tuna Bowl

Base + Ahi Tuna, Edamame, Rote Zwiebeln,
Frühlingszwiebel, Gurke, Ma’Loa Flavor,
Avocado, Erdnüsse
573,833,5528,3639,13• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Thunfisch: stärkt die Konzentrationen
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Frühlingszwiebel: stärkt das Immunsystem
• Rote Zwiebel: wichtige Vitalstoffe, wirken wie ein Antibiotikum
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Avocado: Wertvolle Fettsäuren (Herz-Kreislauf-System), Gut für die Muskulatur
• Erdnüsse: Viel Vitamin E, Magnesium und Phosphor
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Spicy Tropical Tofu Bowl

Base + Tofu, Gurke, Ananas, Frühlingszwiebel,
Korean Love, Mango, Kokosschips 
352,410,0845,9415,05• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Frühlingszwiebel: stärkt das Immunsystem
• Ananas: schützt von Thrombose
• Mango: Bringt Cholesterinspiegel unter Kontrolle
• Kokoschips: Verzögert den Alterungsprozess
BowlKalorienProteine KohlenhydrateFetteVorteile
Sesam Me Tofu Bowl

Base + Tofu, Edamame, Gurke, rote Zwiebel,
Sesam Me, Mango, Erdnüsse
423,821,0540,0421,93• Eiweiß- und Vitaminreich
• stärkt das Immunsystem
• Kalorien und Fettarm
• Tofu: fördert Blutbildung
• Gurke: Insulin (Hilft bei Diabetes), gut für die Haut
• Edamame: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• Rote Zwiebel: wichtige Vitalstoffe, wirken wie ein Antibiotikum
• Mango: Bringt Cholesterinspiegel unter Kontrolle
• Erdnüsse: Viel Vitamin E, Magnesium und Phosphor
BowlCalories[g]Proteins[g] Carbohydrates[g]Fats[g]Benefits
Peanutlover Chicken Bowl

Base + chicken, green Soybeans, cucumber,
scallions, Peanut Butter Dream Flavor,
algae salad, peanuts
50733,6832,3327,22• rich in protein and vitamins
• strengthens the immune system
• low in calories and fat
• chicken: helps the metabolism
• cucumber: insulin (helps with diabetes), good for the skin
• green sobeans: reduces risk of cancer and osteoporosis
• scallions: strengthens the immune system
• algae salad: contains magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and iron in high concentrations
• peanuts: lots of vitamin E, magnesium and phosphor
BowlCalories[g]Proteins[g] Carbohydrates[g]Fats[g]Benefits
Vul´cano Chicken Bowl

Base + chicken, scallion, green soybeans,
cucumber, Vul’Cano Flavor, avocado,
chashew nuts
547,7530,5924,2538,25• rich in protein and vitamins
• strengthens the immune system
• low in calories and fat
• chicken: helps the metabolism
• cucumber: insulin (helps with diabetes), good for the skin
• green soybeans: Senken Krebs- und Osteoporoserisiko
• scallion: strengthens the immune system
• cashew nuts+avocado: valuable fatty acids
(cardiovascular system)
• avocado: good for the musculature

Molokai Salmon Bowl

Base + salmon, green soybeans, cucumber, beetroot,
Sesam Me Flavor, algae salad, peanuts
545,832,0538,0429,93• rich in protein and vitamins
• strengthens the immune system
• low in calories and fat
• salmon: strengthens the concentrations
• cucumber: insulin (helps with diabetes), good for the skin
• green soybeans: reduces risk of cancer and osteoporosis
• beetroot: lowers blood pressure
• algae salad: contains magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and
iron in high concentrations
• peanuts: lots of Vitamin E, magnesium and phosphor


